MEES Semester One Industry Night
Posted by Ariane Ventura (Monash University Environmental Engineering Society) on
17 April 2019
MEES’ Industry Night was a wonderful night of networking between undergraduates and driven environmental engineers in the industry.
MEES was proud to present it's first industry night of the year, with speakers from a range of disciplines giving insight into their experiences in the industry. The evening began with guest speakers from GHD, Arup, AECOM and local councils presenting on their transition as a graduate to working in industry. As well as what their jobs like are on a daily basis and their career aspirations.
Presentations were insightful for many MEES members that are currently applying for internships, graduate roles, or are generally unsure of what environmental engineers can do. Industry speakers came from a range of disciplines, from project managers, to environmental consultants in land contamination, and even traffic engineers.
A Q&A Panel followed presentations, where students were able to ask speakers questions regarding their greatest challenges in the role, or what their favourite part of their role is. Students and speakers were then able to mingle and network over pizza and donuts.
Common takeaways of the night were that environmental engineering degrees can lead to a range of disciplines, and the world really becomes your oyster! It’s possible to work in energy, transport, contaminated land, and more opportunities. Something that was highlighted by many industry guests was the potential to work and travel while getting paid. Industry speakers reminded guests to stay driven when starting work and to not lose sight of their professional goals.
Everyone was left excited at the opportunities that await them as a graduate. MEES members can look forward to future industry night events with engaging and inspiring speakers every semester.
Find out more about the Monash University Environmental Engineering Society